10.x Smarts
To enable polling and the collection of these values for VM hosts on Smarts ESM, follow these steps.
1: Ensure you have added the Vcenter credentials by right clicking on the ESM domain name. Ensure the Vcenter host is added on the IP domain. If you do not have SNMP access, you can add it as ICMP only.
2: Set the below parameter in ESM.import to TRUE.
# Set to TRUE to discover Processor, FileSystem, Disk and Memory.
# via SNMP. Not applicable to WMI discovery.
EnableCPUFilesystemMemoryDiscovery = FALSE
Launch the following command from the <installed base>ESM/smarts/bin directory to edit it.
./sm_edit conf/esm/ESM.import
3: Restart the ESM domain and then do a discover all.
Doing this will enable this instrumentation data to be collected:
NOTE1: In some cases, you may still not see events come into the ESM domain. For this to happen, an equivalent event should be generated. If this is the case, please check if the below events are getting generated with these so that ESM and/or ESXi, captures it and sets the appropriate flag and generates an equivalent event.
1: In Vcenter you should see these things:
"Virtual machine memory usage" with Red color (at Vcenter) for generating "IsVMMemoryOverused' event in ESM.
"Virtual machine cpu usage" with red color (at Vcenter) for generating "IsVMCPUOverused" event in ESM.
On the VMwareESX class in ESM to generate the following events:
2: In ESXi you should see these things:
"Host memory usage" event with "red color" (at Exi) for generating "InsufficientMemory" event in ESM.
"Host cpu usage" event with "red color" (at Exi) for generating "HostCPUUsageAlarm" event in ESM.
NOTE2: You can use these two DMCTL commands to find out what can be discovered through the Vcenter API.
$ ./dmctl.exe -s testESM -b localhost:9886 getEvents Hypervisor |tee
Exported events of class Hypervisor:
Disconnected = <problem>
Down = <problem>
HostCPUUsageAlarm = <problem>
HostHAFailed = <event>
HostLostConnection = <event>
HostLostConnectionToAtLeastOneDatastore = <event>
HostMemoryUsageAlarm = <problem>
HostNotResponding = <event>
HostShutdown = <event>
HostSyncFailed = <event>
HypervisorPowerOff = <event>
InsufficientCPU = <event>
InsufficientMemory = <event>
NotHosted = <event>
NotManagedByVC = <event>
ShutDown = <problem>
The following are the events from the VirtualMachine class:
$ ./dmctl.exe -s testESM -b localhost:9886 getEvents VirtualMachine |tee
Exported events of class VirtualMachine:
DownOrImpaired = <event>
GuestOSNotRunning = <problem>
IncompleteNetworkConfiguration = <event>
NetworkReconfiguration = <event>
PerformanceMightBeImpacted = <event>
PoweredOff = <problem>
Unreachable = <problem>
VMAdded = <event>
VMCPUUsageAlarm = <event>
VMDeleted = <event>
VMHighDiskLatency = <event>
VMIsOrphanedE = <event>
VMIsOrphanedImpacted = <event>
VMLostConnection = <event>
VMMemoryUsageAlarm = <event>
VMMigrated = <event>
VMMigratedErrorE = <event>
VMMigratedImpacted = <event>
VMMovedByDRS = <event>
VMRelocatedErrorE = <event>
VMRelocatedImpacted = <event>
VMRestartedOnAlternativeHost = <event>
VMToolsNotInstalled = <event>
VMToolsNotUpToDate = <event>