SMARTS Console: Is it possible to open the Map Console on the Groups tab by default? Is it possible to change default settings in the Global Console layout?
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SMARTS Console: Is it possible to open the Map Console on the Groups tab by default? Is it possible to change default settings in the Global Console layout?


Article ID: 332043


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VMware Smart Assurance



Is it possible to open the Map Console on the Groups tab by default? Is it possible to change default settings in the Global Console layout?

Each time we open the Smarts Map Console, it opens with the Topology tab selected.
Even if we save the console locally, with the Groups tab open, it will always re-open with the Topology tab selected:


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The Smarts Global Console does not provide any facility for user to modify/change default tab selection in the SMARTS Global Console.