Smarts SAM/IP/ESM: Incorrect element class in for notifications in SAM; Notifications for Host interfaces from Smarts IP show element class of "Interface" instead of "Host" in Smarts SAM
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Smarts SAM/IP/ESM: Incorrect element class in for notifications in SAM; Notifications for Host interfaces from Smarts IP show element class of "Interface" instead of "Host" in Smarts SAM


Article ID: 332026


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Element Class will show as Interface instead of Host for Interface Down alerts for a Virtual Host that is discovered in Smarts IP and Smarts ESM. This may cause issues with Notification Filters in Smarts SAM.

SAM imports topology from ESM. The dxa-esm.conf imports the Interface Class and attributes into SAM from ESM.  For virtual hosts, the Element Class for Host is then changed to Interface.

When ESM is not installed in the environment, or the Host in question is not a virtual host, the Element Class will appear as Host.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The dxa-esm.conf  has a section for Interface Class and attributes.


Currently the work around is to modify the dxa-esm.conf file via sm_edit for the SAM domain that is subscribed to ESM and IP domains

Check the local/conf/ics file to see if you have customized the dxa-esm.conf file and make the following update:
  • cd <BASEDIR>SAM/smarts/bin/
  • ./sm_edit ../conf/ics/dxa-esm.conf

In the dxa-esm.conf file, find the lines file below and comment these lines that reference the Interface Class.   If you have a custom references to the Interface Class consider commenting out these references as well.

#class   Interface
#peek    CreationClassName  ~TransportConnector
#attr    DisplayName
#attr    Description
#rel     Underlying
#rel     PartOf
#rel     UnderlyingPort

The reconfigure the SAM domain after this change is saved.