Currently the work around is to modify the dxa-esm.conf file via sm_edit for the SAM domain that is subscribed to ESM and IP domains
Check the local/conf/ics file to see if you have customized the dxa-esm.conf file and make the following update:
- cd <BASEDIR>SAM/smarts/bin/
- ./sm_edit ../conf/ics/dxa-esm.conf
In the dxa-esm.conf file, find the lines file below and comment these lines that reference the Interface Class. If you have a custom references to the Interface Class consider commenting out these references as well.
#class Interface
#peek CreationClassName ~TransportConnector
#attr DisplayName
#attr Description
#rel Underlying
#rel PartOf
#rel UnderlyingPort
The reconfigure the SAM domain after this change is saved.