A description of what the options are for using NCM with devices not supported Out Of Box (OOB)
Release: All Supported Releases
Component: SPCAPP - Spectrum Applications
NCM offers support OOB for a number of devices and additionally a number of scripts are provided out of box for use with them.
For devices that are not supported OOB for NCM there is the Network Configuration Manager Extension Utility - Please refer to the "Network Configuration Manager Extension Utility" section of the documentation for further details.
This allows you to create custom device families for NCM and then to use add you own scripts for use with these.
The NCM scripts provided OOB can be used and modified for use with custom device families- However support does not provide customized scripts.
If you did not wish to use this process yourself you also have the option to use a paid for CA Services Engagement. Please contact CA Account Representative for more details concerning CA Services.