Smarts SAM: Is it possible to configure multiple SAM domain on Linux platform like in Solaris using multiple ics directory?
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Smarts SAM: Is it possible to configure multiple SAM domain on Linux platform like in Solaris using multiple ics directory?


Article ID: 332016


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


It is possible to configure multiple SAM domains on Linux platform like in Solaris platform by using different ics directory?  Yes.

You'll need to:

1. Create multiple ics directories in the local/conf directory such as ics1, ics2, ics3 and so forth.

2. When you create or start your SAM domain, when specifying the configuration piece (-c) make sure that it's referencing the ics directory that you want to use.  For example:

./sm_server -n INCHARGE-SA2 -b localhost:426 -c ics2 --ignore-restore-errors --output --daemon