CI-W-SPOOL_PKG-Error occurred while spooling package data for 'mrerror346c9b5a'
The directory where DMT client and server components look for messages bundles SM_SITEMOD/l10n. The directory where the DMT client library stores message bundles (*.dat files) transferred to it by the DMT server is SM_WRITEABLE/l10n/spool. The DMT packaging and installation ensures that "l10n/spool" exists in the default SM_SITEMOD location in order to separate client local bundles from those transferred by a server. Failure to create the correct directories will result in repeated error messages being logged as well as constant memory growth that will eventually use all available memory and result in a crash.
NOTE: if the directory is not there, you should add it. Not all smarts servers that show this error in the log are using the SM-SITEMOD and SM_WRITEABLE.