Smarts SAM Adapters/OpsMgr: Cannot Initialize Microsoft Operations Manager Adapter connection; Events are not being processed
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Smarts SAM Adapters/OpsMgr: Cannot Initialize Microsoft Operations Manager Adapter connection; Events are not being processed


Article ID: 331991


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VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts SAM Adapter for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (Smarts OpsMgr Adapter) is not processing Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (Microsoft OpsMgr) events.

The following conditions, events or system behaviors may be observed with this issue:
  • Cannot Initialize Smarts OpsMgr Adapter connection to Microsoft System Center Operations Manager.
  • Receive the following error during initialization of the Smarts OpsMgr Adapter:
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.Connector.V2.FrameworkDasDataAccessException: Data access error. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040E31): Timeout expired


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


There are too many events to be processed by the Smarts OpsMgr Adapter. The Smarts OpsMgr adapter cannot handle more than 2000 events during initialization.


The resolution state of 202 is used to indicate that an event that needs to be processed by the Smarts OpsMgr Adapter. To address this issue, do the following:

  1. Run the following query against the onepoint database:

select count(*) from alert where resolutionstate = 202

  1. If the select query returns more than 2000 records, run the following update query:

Update Alert Set ResolutionState = 0 Where ResolutionState = 202

By resetting the value to 0 (unprocessed events), the connector can then successfully initialize and process the events.