the InstanceName and ElementName should the same system. However, the actual notification shows two different systems. While rebooting IONIXHOST01, the instancename is correct, but the elementname shows the server where polling happens:
"ClassName: SNMPTrap InstanceName: IONIXHOST01 Event: SystemRestarted Element Name: IONIXAGENT01"
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
If ElementClass and ElementName are undefined, the trap defaults to the Agent name if it is defined.
ForceOccurredOn is an attribute that can be set for the trap that overwrites the ElementClass or ElementName to modify the OccurredOn object when set to TRUE.
Details on the attribute (from the trap_mgr.conf file):
# <force-occurred-on> Set this to 'TRUE', if you want to overwrite # the ElementClass and ElementName which will # modify the 'OccurredOn' Object. # Note: The object(ELEMENTCLASSNAME, ELEMENTNAME) # should exist, otherwise the trap will # default to having Agent's Name, if it # exists in the toplogy.
New definition for the SystemRestarted trap in trap_mgr.conf: