This resolution applies to each possible cause above
A. Check customer's failover configuration.
1. Go to each host where customer has started his SAM/OI server.
2. Execute the command "hostname". Make note of the output.
3. Open conf/failover/failover.conf from the installation from where the customer starts his failover server.
4. Verify his configuration for that SAM/OI server
a. Verify customer uses the exact hostname returned in step 2. Exact!
b. Verify the other details should be consistent and correct.
c. Make note of hostname, port ans servername
B. Check the customer subscriptions using the Global Manager Admin Console.
1. Verify Primary SAM/OI server first
a. Connect to the primary SAM/OI using the Console. <hostname>:<port>/<servername>
b. Check the underlying server
c. For SAM and OI it goes
|Subscription Enable/Disable
|<Secondary SAM Host>:<Its port>/<Secondary SAM server> Disabled
|Other Intended underlying servers Enabled
d. Additionally for SAM, If you have MBIMs, For each MBIM
|Subscription Enable/Disable
|<Primary MBIM Host>:<Its port>/<Primary MBIM server> Enabled
|<Secondary MBIM Host>:<Its port>/<Secondary MBIM server> Disabled
e. Note, the details of serverNames, ports and hostnames should be exactly the same as what we saw in failover.conf. Reiterating, exact!
f. After making the changes [if any] make sure you reconfigure the server.
2. Verify Secondary SAM/OI server next
a. Connect to the secondary SAM/OI using the Console. <hostname>:<port>/<servername>
b. Check the underlying server
c. For SAM and OI it goes
|Subscription Enable/Disable
|<Primary SAM Host>:<Its port>/<Primary SAM server> Enabled
|Other Intended underlying servers Disabled
d. Additionally for SAM, If you have MBIMs, For each MBIM
|Subscription Enable/Disable
|<Primary MBIM Host>:<Its port>/<Primary MBIM server> Disabled
|<Secondary MBIM Host>:<Its port>/<Secondary MBIM server> Disabled
e. Note, the details of serverNames, ports and hostnames should be exactly the same as what we saw in failover.conf. Reiterating, exact! Change any subscriptions that do not match the above style.
f. After making the changes [if any] make sure you reconfigure the server.