How to change the sign of a variable from positive to negative
Article ID: 33198
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InterTest - Batch
How to change the variable to a negative (-)?
_____OUT-LOT-OID-AMT-LCL l +000000000000500.000
043446* DESCRIPTION: The routine will format the a/a driver vars. 043447************************************************ U===> IF OUT-LOT-OID-AMT-LCL NOT = 0
The example above shows the value of the literal OUT-LOT-OID-AMT-LCL displayed in a "Keep Window" at the top of the Source Listing Display while the program is stopped at an Unconditional Breakpoint at statement 043448. However the sign (+) cannot be changed directly from this display. In order to change the sign of a variable from a positive (+) to a negative (-), follow these steps:
Either from the Keep Window display or on line 043448, enter a "D" to the left of the literal (overtype the U at the breakpoint if using line 043448) and tab your cursor to a spot underneath the literal OUT-LOT-OID-AMT-LCL and press ENTER to initiate a CORE display of the literal.
The results are:
At the top of the display:
OUT-LOT-OID-AMT-LCL l +000000000000500.000
At the bottom of the display:
CAIN0491 VALUE OF FIELD = +000000000000500.000
Press ENTER again to display the literal in storage. (+0 at the storage address)
At the top of the display:
+0 00000000 00000500 00C
At the bottom of the display:
CAIN0491 VALUE OF FIELD = +500000
Tab to the top of the display and overtype the value 00000000 00000500 00C with 00000000 00000500 00D and press ENTER.
At the top of the display:
+0 00000000 00000500 00D
At the bottom of the display:
Press enter again to see the literal and the value of the field at the top and bottom: