These errors come when the trap does not follow RFC. In this instance the mangled trap did not start with sysupTIme which is mandatory,
Example of mangled trap:
: VarBindList ->
35: VarBind -> SEQUENCE (0x30), 23 bytes:
37: OBJ-ID (0x06), 10 bytes == "." *
49: OBJ-ID (0x06), 9 bytes == "."
for the ones with no error you can see
29: VarBindList ->
SEQUENCE (0x30), 238 bytes:
32: VarBind -> SEQUENCE (0x30), 16 bytes:
34: OBJ-ID (0x06), 8 bytes == "."
44: TIME-TICKS (0x43), 4 bytes == 440575600