Smarts NPM: Remote Syslog Adapter does not start and run correctly; Errors logged related to 'TraceSyslog' of object 'MSI_AdapterManager::OSPF-Adapter-Manager'
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Smarts NPM: Remote Syslog Adapter does not start and run correctly; Errors logged related to 'TraceSyslog' of object 'MSI_AdapterManager::OSPF-Adapter-Manager'


Article ID: 331961


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



The following conditions, events or system behaviors may be observed with this issue:
  • Smarts NPM Remote Syslog Adapter does not start properly.
  • The following can be see in the logs:
[November 11, 2013 10:18:06 PM GMT +981ms] t@1381996288 main
ASL-W-ERROR_RULE_SOURCE-While executing rule set '/opt/InCharge9/NPM/smarts/rules/ospf/ospf-syslog.asl'
 ASL-ERROR_ACTION-While executing action at:
 ASL-CALL_STACK_RULE-   RuleName: __INIT__, Line: 46
 ASL-ERROR_INIT_ACTION-While executing initialization actions
 ASL-ERROR_GET-While attempting to get property 'TraceSyslog' of object 'MSI_AdapterManager::OSPF-Adapter-Manager'
 MR-CLASS_NOT_FOUND-Class of given name 'MSI_AdapterManager' not found; in file "/work/tancurrent/DMT-" at line 1636
[November 11, 2013 10:18:06 PM GMT +981ms] t@1381996288 main
ASL-W-ERROR_INIT_ACTION-While executing initialization actions


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Incorrect command syntax used to load the models. When Smarts NPM runs the sm_adapter, any models required must be loaded with the --model option.


To address this issue, ensure that the --model=sm_msi option is included in the command syntax when starting your adapters as in the following

sm_adapter --name=SMARTS-NPM-BGP --server=localhost --model=sm_msi --output --daemon bgp/bgp-syslog.asl