Smarts: IP : Unable to re-discover Vlan information once deleted.
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Smarts: IP : Unable to re-discover Vlan information once deleted.


Article ID: 331955


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VMware Smart Assurance



Once the VLANs are deleted from topology, and also VLAN discovery is disabled by changing discovery.conf and tpmgr-param.conf, these parameters  can't be re-enabled later with the existing rps file even after both conf files are reverted back to its original.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


How the Vlan probe works.

The vlan driver  gets started in the "discovery-init.asl" but this gets invoked only once.  This is only during the server startup which triggers all the necessary drivers/probes.

Here are the parameters used:  
  • topo_manager->addProber(60, "Vlan-Probe", "INTERVAL_LONG",
  • topo_manager->VlanProbeEnabled);
When the the flag "VlanProbeEnabled" is set to FALSE in the discovery.conf it will get set to the class ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager attribute. This " VlanProbeEnabled"  is a class attribute and not a TopologyManaer table attribute.


Her'es a workaround for this issue:

Step 1: initial value of VlanProbeEnabled

$ ./dmctl.exe -s 941 -b localhost:9887 get ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::VlanProbeEnabled|tee

Step 2: Change the value of VlanProbeEnabled in discovery.conf to TRUE:

VlanProbeEnabled = TRUE

Step 3: Stop the server as follows:

$ ./dmquit.exe -s 941 -b localhost:9887|tee
Are you sure you want to shutdown Domain Manager '941'?
Please answer Yes or No: yes
Shutdown in progress..
Shutdown of Domain Manager '941' completed.

Step 4: check value of the "VlanProbeEnabled"

$ ./dmctl.exe -s 941 -b localhost:9887 get ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::VlanProbeEnabled|tee

NOTE: Server restart is a must for the changed value to take effect.