Smarts ESM: How does smarts load all ESM host monitoring data from backup; Load all EISM host monitoring data from backup- what does this do
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Smarts ESM: How does smarts load all ESM host monitoring data from backup; Load all EISM host monitoring data from backup- what does this do


Article ID: 331946


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VMware Smart Assurance



Using Smarts Server Manager (ESM) , If I have a tool to "load" process and monitoring statistics, where is the "dump", or save tool option?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


ESM has an option to load Process and Monitoring statistics, but how do I save them in the first place, or dump them?

NOTE: See the graphic below for an example of the load option:


The operation specified as  "Load all EISM host monitoring data from backup" will load the previously saved  configure Process Monitoring action performed on that host.  The process to save the data is done in the background when you used the option, shown in the above graphic,  "Configure EISM Process Monitoring"

This saves configurations, and statistics  for a host that has been collected  from configure PM table. That data is dumped from the Host PM configuration info into a txt file under /local/conf/esm/APP-<>.txt.  If, at any time, the settings on that host are not configured, you can restore Process and Monitoring configs  back using the above option called "Load all EISM host monitoring data from backup"