Smarts SAM Does the SAM Console support session timeouts and logon restrictions?
Article ID: 331941
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VMware Smart Assurance
Does Smarts SAM Console have a method to limit sessions and control console logons?
Does Smarts SAM Console support Single Sign On?
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
The Smarts Global Console uses internal java code for logons to the Smarts Domains. This functionality is not available in current versions of Smarts.
The Web Console can use a SSO wrapper through the browser, but it is not GA supported and Professional Services must be engaged.
LDAP can be used, but Smarts does not this ability currently built in to limit number of user sessions or implement time limits on inactive sessions.
From VMware Smart Assurance v10.1 onwards the following settings can be used to restrict concurrent user log in sessions: <BASEDIR>/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s <DOMAIN> put ICS_User::<INSTANCE>::max_sessions <NUM> and to enable timeout of GUI use sm_gui -Dcom.smarts.connectionTimeout=<time in sec>
SSO Enhancements for SAM Console and Smarts SAS ER -642 and ER-359