This is an example on how to use EDAA API and correlate to the command in SMARTS
All invokes are translated to HTTP POST to the action URL with the payload of the form:
Where you can find the arguments for instance from dmctl,
$ dmctl -s INCHARGE-AM getOp ICF_TopologyManager | grep addPending
<void> addPending <string>nameOrAddr <string>community <string>description <string>snmpSource <string>snmpState <unsigned short>snmpPort <string>accessMode <string>accessAddressFormat <string>seedName <string>nameFormat <string>snmpVersionStr <string>user <string>engineID <string>authProtocol <string>privProtocol <string>authPass <string>privPass <string>context <boolean>encryptedPassword <string>displayName <string>systemType <string>domainName <string>sourceAddress <string>refreshType
Optional parameters may be omitted.All URLs assume SOURCE to be the URL BASE of the source, ie something like http://localhost:8080/msa20-dmt/ip/
invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager addPending ""
HTTP POST <BASE>/instances/ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager/action/addPending
Other invoke would be similarThere is no get for a single property in 9.2, so for the REST API the following calls are the same operation and the customer has to use XPath, XQuery or other mechanism to find the values in the response:
get ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeStartedAt
get ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::lastProbeFinishedAt
HTTP GET <BASE>/instances/ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager
With 9.2.1 The fields query parameter can be used to restrict the output:
HTTP GET <BASE>/instances/ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager?fields=lastProbeStartedAt
HTTP GET <BASE>/instances/ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager?fields=lastProbeFinishedAt
HTTP GET <BASE>/instances/ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager?fields= lastProbeStartedAt,lastProbeFinishedAt