Smarts: Which Smarts Products are Supported in Failover; Will Failover work with all of Smarts?
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Smarts: Which Smarts Products are Supported in Failover; Will Failover work with all of Smarts?


Article ID: 331934


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VMware Smart Assurance



What products in Smarts can I setup in a Failover Environment?


The Failover Manager is designed to automatically provide backup processes in the case of a failure while monitoring network infrastructures. It is one part of a complete failover solution or system that includes hot and warm failover processes. A failover is the act of switching to a standby software product or hardware device when a failure occurs.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


EMC Smarts Failover Manager currently supports failover for the following products:

 EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager, including Business Impact Manager (BIM), Adapter Platform (OI), Trap Adapter, Trap Exploder, and the Broker

 EMC Smarts Service Assurance Manager with Notification Cache Publishing Enabled for integration with the SolutionPack for EMC Smarts for use with the EMC M&R User Interface. Three additional components compose Service Assurance Manager with Notification Cache Publishing Enabled:

  1. EMC Smarts Data Web Applications (Tomcat)
  2. EMC Smarts Notification Exchange (Rabbit MQ)
  3. EMC Smarts Notification Cache (ElasticSearch).

 EMC Smarts IP Manager

 EMC Smarts MPLS Manager

 EMC Smarts Server Manager (ESM)

 EMC Smarts Network Protocol Manager

 EMC Smarts VoIP Availability Manager

For more details, please see the latest EMC Smarts Failover System User Guide.