VMWare Cluster is reporting an Event, LackOfFailoverResources, to the SAM Domain
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VMWare Cluster is reporting an Event, LackOfFailoverResources, to the SAM Domain


Article ID: 331928


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance


High Availability (HA) failovers cannot be initiated in VMware cluster and the Server Manager (ESM) is reporting the LackOfFailoverResources events for VMware cluster to Smarts SAM.


Smarts 10.1.X / 2.X


This issue occurs because the VMware vCenter is reporting InsufficientFailoverResources and HA (High Availabilty) Failover is set to TRUE. 

Smarts Server Manager collects this information and generates the event notification LackOfFailoverResources and forwards this to the Smarts SAM domain.

When High Availability (HA) failovers are enabled on the VMware cluster and there are not enough resources available to initiate this HA failover, the event InsufficientFailoverResources will be created by VMware. Smarts defines the event LackOfFailoverResources as follows:

"The Cluster does not have enough resources available to initiate HA failovers"
   //= VMwareDRSEnabled  && VMwareHAEnabled && InsufficientFailoverResources;
   = InsufficientFailoverResources;



If you encounter this issue, do the following to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Collect the vCenter logs for the cluster.
  2. Collect the audit log of the Smarts SAM domain that received the notifications.
  3. Review the vCenter logs for InsufficientFailoverResources messages that match the SAM audit log entries.