Smarts Suite: What is the default setup for Failover? What domain managers are required for a Smarts 9.3 failover setup?
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Smarts Suite: What is the default setup for Failover? What domain managers are required for a Smarts 9.3 failover setup?


Article ID: 331922


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VMware Smart Assurance



This article details what domain managers are required to setup Smarts Failover v9.3.

The manual is unclear if you install a fail over server as its own separate software, of your setup a failover system using already installed IP domains.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


You do not install any special software to configure a Failover System for Smarts version 9.3.

You need to install two Smarts IP domains, and two Smarts Service Assurance Manager (SAM) domains. 
You also need one extra SAM domain to act as the fail over server.

The Smarts IP domains will act as a backup to each other, and the same with the SAM domains.

More detailed user instructions, along with install/configuration instructions can be found in this manual - Smarts-Failover-System-9.2-User-Guide-.pdf