Smarts Syslog adapter platform starts up with the error "CI-E-NOADDR-No address available for address family <unknown address family: 0>"
Article ID: 331912
Updated On:
VMware Smart Assurance
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
Example command and message
# /opt/InCharge/SAM/smarts/bin/sm_adapter --verify /opt/InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/rules/icoi-syslog/my_hook_syslog.asl [November 9, 2016 4:32:55 PM CST +358ms] t@3536848048 <Primary Thread> CI-E-NOADDR-No address available for address family <unknown address family: 0>.; in file "/work/redcurrent/DMT-" at line 613 Product Id: 9.2
Additional Information
The error notes that the adapter fails to resolve the server hostnameĀ to IP address.
CI-E-NOADDR-No address available for address family <unknown address family: 0>.;
To resolve the issue verify the server has the correct name resolution setup, including any added DNS serversĀ for name resolution or the server entries in /etc/hosts for name resolution.