Smarts Server Manager: How do you tell if your ESM domain is discovering virtual center?
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Smarts Server Manager: How do you tell if your ESM domain is discovering virtual center?


Article ID: 331911


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


When you install ESM, the value IsVM is set to true by default.

You can verify this setting by running
 "dmctl -s <ESM domain name> get ESM_Manager::ESM-Manager::IsVM"

You can also enable IsDebug option to true in the ESM.import file.  When the debug is enabled, you'll see the following message if vCenter discovery is disabled:

February 8, 2017 12:31:46 PM EST vmware-vc-discovery.asl:930051840: VMware discovery is disabled

This means that IsVM set to false.

You can force the IsVM value to either true or false by setting it in the file as "IsVM = TRUE" or "IsVM = FALSE" and restart the domain.