Smarts Server Manager (ESM): How to discover and monitor the Citrix Xen Hypervisors and Citrix Xen Virtual Machines; What are the feature license requirements for Citrix Xen Servers
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Smarts Server Manager (ESM): How to discover and monitor the Citrix Xen Hypervisors and Citrix Xen Virtual Machines; What are the feature license requirements for Citrix Xen Servers


Article ID: 331908


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VMware Smart Assurance


How to discover and monitor the Citrix Xen Hypervisors and Citrix Xen Virtual Machines; What are the feature license requirements for Citrix Xen Servers


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


This article aims to provide instructions on discovering and monitoring Citrix XenServer on ESM with reference to the Smarts Server Manager 9.4.2 User and Configuration Guide ("How to Set Up the EMC Smarts Server Manager for Citrix XenServer", page 256).

  1. Open the "Service Assurance Manager Global Console" attached to the Server Manager (INCHARGE-ESM by default).
  2. In the "Topology Browser Console", select "Configure > Domain Manager Administration Console".
  3. Right-click the ESM server in the left pane and select "Configure ESM credentials".
  4. In the "Configure ESM credentials" dialog box, select "XenServer" for the host type.
  5. Type values in the following fields:
HostIP address for the primary and secondary XenServer or standalone XenServer where the individual XenServer hypervisor resides
User IDXenServer read-only user name
PasswordXenServer read-only password
  1. Click "Apply credential with testing".

If the options are greyed out and not available for editing, this may be related to the feature license "OpenSourceHypervisor_Feature". The following query can be run to retrieve the feature properties:

 ./dmctl -s INCHARGE-ESM get OpenSourceHypervisor_Feature::OpenSourceHypervisor-Feature

Properties of OpenSourceHypervisor_Feature::OpenSourceHypervisor-Feature:
    CreationClassName = OpenSourceHypervisor_Feature
          Description = ESM Domain Manager Features
          DisplayName = Open Source Hypervisor feature
          FeatureName = AP_OSH
           FeaturedBy = {  }
            IsEnabled = FALSE
         MetaMemberOf = {  }
               Models = {  }
                 Name = OpenSourceHypervisor-Feature
             Required = FALSE
              RuleSet =
          ServiceName =
               Vendor = EMC/Smarts
              Version = 9.1

Alternatively, find the AP_OSH feature in the license file:
FEATURE AP_OSH sm_lmgrd92 9.0 26-oct-2016 uncounted AD4A4ACC7435 \

Additional Information

If the feature is not available in the current license, please open a Service Request with Licensing Support and verify the entitlement. 

In addition, please refer to the Smarts Server Manager 9.4.2 User and Configuration Guide ("Enabling XenServer discovery and monitoring", page 256) for enabling and disabling XenServer discovery and monitoring:

By default, XenServer discovery and monitoring is enabled.

To enable/disable XenServer discovery and monitoring:
  1. At <BASEDIR>/smarts/bin, type the following command:
sm_edit conf/esm/ESM.import
  1. Enter the following lines:
# Enable Xen Hypervisor discovery and monitoring.
IsXen = TRUE
  1. Save and close the file.
Restart the ESM Domain Manager to load the changed values in ESM.import file into the ESM server.