Smarts SAM: How to enable bulk maintenance on devices; is there a way to enable maintenace mode for multiple devices?
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Smarts SAM: How to enable bulk maintenance on devices; is there a way to enable maintenace mode for multiple devices?


Article ID: 331901


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


I can enable maintenance mode manually on 1 device at a time, but is it possible to enable this on multiple devices at once?

Scheduling bulk maintenance
You can schedule multiple devices and groups for maintenance using a text file (for use with the bulk maintenance adapter) or an XML file (to be used with the sm_config functionality).

When a group is scheduled for maintenance, a schedMaint notification for
the group is created, resulting in all the members of the group being scheduled for maintenance.

Scheduling bulk maintenance using a text file

To schedule bulk maintenance using a text file:
1. Open a text editor.
2. Create a file with the format:
ClassName InstanceName startDate startTime endDate endTime
where the format for the startDate and endDate values is mm-dd-yyyy and the format for startTime and endTime values is HH::MM.

Values are delimited with space characters and comments are added with a pound character at the start of the line.

For example,
# This is the input file for bulk maintenance
# Hosts to be scheduled for maintence are
Host MAJOR-WIN2K-VM 06-23-2009 16:00 06-23-2009 18:59
Host USENSMAJORL2E 06-23-2009 16:00 06-23-2009 18:59
# The following group is scheduled for maintence
SelectiveGroup HGRP-TL/G1 07-09-2009 11:58 07-15-2009 16:57

3. Save and exit the file.
4. Upload the file to the server.

Loading the bulk maintenance text tile:

To load the bulk maintenance text tile:
1. Open a Command Prompt window.
2. Change directory to the smarts/bin directory.
3. Type the following command:
sm_adapter -s samserver --file=fileName --output=outputfileName

Type the command as one line.

Once the command is processed, a SchedMaint notification appears in the

notification log, for the group object. At the start of the maintenance period, the

SchedMaint notification is cleared. If a group is scheduled into maintenance, a

scheduled maintenance notification or in maintenance notification is not generated

for all devices in the group. However, if the SAM server receives any notifications for

these devices within the scheduled maintenance period, the SAM server updates the

in maintenance property to True. The EventText field of the notification displays the

maintenance period scheduled for its group, for example:

 In maint, based on group HGRP-TL/G1, until 7-15-2009 16:57 

The output from the ics-bulk-maint.asl file is entered into the sm_adapter.log file. The

domain manager diagnostics related to the bulk maintenance appear in the BIM

domain manager log file.

**You can also schedule bulk maintenance using an xml file for details please see the attached SAM Operators Guide, bottom of page 129




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