While invoking operation rediscover in object 'ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager', Tried to make a call on a NULL repository object
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While invoking operation rediscover in object 'ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager', Tried to make a call on a NULL repository object


Article ID: 331884


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


No longer able to rediscover devices, and the rediscover button greyed out and devices can no longer be rediscovered

Even if you try to use dmctl to do a rediscover of a device the issue still occurs:

/opt/InCharge81/SAM/smarts/bin/dmctl -s IP invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager rediscover Router::routers-name
Server IP User: admin
admin's Password: XXXXXXXXXX
MR2-E-MR_WHILE_OPERATION_INVOKE-While invoking operation rediscover in object 'ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager'
 MR-OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_EX-Cannot find object 'ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager'
 MR-CALL_ON_NULL_OBJECT-Tried to make a call on a NULL repository object; in file "/work/tancurrent/DMT-" at line 1096


Smarts 10.X


Corrupt repository file


Revert to a backed up copy of the RPS file by following these steps (in this example, the Smarts IP domain has the default name: INCHARGE-AM-PM) :

1.) Stop the INCHARGE-AM-PM service:

./sm_service stop INCHARGE-AM-PM

2.) Replace the corrupt rps file with the backed up copy. RPS file is located at:


3.) Start the INCHARGE-AM-PM service:

./sm_service start INCHARGE-AM-PM