Smarts IP: Incorrect interface relationship model for Juniper MX960
Article ID: 331875
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VMware Smart Assurance
Customer indicated that after the discovery of the Juniper MX960, they noticed that interface ifindex=899 contains two L2VLAN interfaces, ifindex=920 and 921. These two L2VLAN interface layer over the same physical ethernetcsmacd interface ifindex=595. The issue is that two L2VLAN interfaces are merged at the physical layer such as the same interface card.
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
The top interface (of type of IEEE8023ADLAG) layers over both an AggregateInterface and an L2VLAN interface - such as interface id=916 is layering over AggregateInterface (id=899) and L2VLAN (id=920), seems to be reflecting what the device MIB2 table has. At the same time, in this case the AggregateInterface (id=899) is also discovered to layer over L2VLAN (id=920) based LACP MIB. So, it is a MIB conflict, and apparently MIB2 is wrong in this case.
Customer was provided ttp to apply. The ttp will also be included in the upcoming 9.5 patch release.