Smptom: It is shown unknown in SMARTS: v880259@pdcd06-ic2 { ~ }-> dmctl -s pdcd06-ic2-ampm1 get UNKNOWN v880259@pdcd06-ic2 { ~ }-> dmctl -s pdcd06-ic2-ampm1 get UNKNOWN
Following these steps, resolved this issue.
1. The polling group on "WirelessController" did not have the right settings applied (i.e Wireless_Connectivity_Polling_Setting). 2. Secondly, under the threshold group, the Interface group did not have the right settings applied (i.e Interface port performance). 3. The interface on the 1Gig threshold groups did not have this interface and added them too. After making all the changes and triggering a reconfigure, the Interface got the instrumentation back and the status got populated.