Cisco WLC showing UNKNOWN status on Interfaces
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Cisco WLC showing UNKNOWN status on Interfaces


Article ID: 331864


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



This article suggests the steps to be followed when Cisco WLC show UNKNOWN status on Managed Interfaces


Smarts 10.1.X


1: VLAN 987 is discovered:
dmctl -s <AMPM Domain> get UnitaryComputerSystem::device::ComposedOf
{ Interface::IF-device/13 }
2: It  responds to SNMP:
# snmpwalk -v2c -c XXX #.#.#.# ifDescr.13
IF-MIB::ifDescr.13 = STRING: Vlan987

# snmpwalk -v2c -c XXX #.#.#.# ifOperStatus.13
IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.13 = INTEGER: up(1)

# snmpwalk -v2c -c XXX #.#.#.# ifAdminStatus.13
IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.13 = INTEGER: up(1) 
Symptoms: It is  shown unknown in SMARTS:
# dmctl -s <AMPM Domain> get Interface::IF-device/13::AdminStatus
# dmctl -s <AMPM Domain> get Interface::IF-device/13::OperStatus


Please evaluate the following steps to resolve the issue:

1. The polling group on "WirelessController" did not have the right settings applied (i.e Wireless_Connectivity_Polling_Setting).
2. Secondly, under the threshold group, the Interface group did not have the right settings applied (i.e. Interface port performance).
3. The interface on the 1Gig threshold groups did not have this interface and added them too.
4. After making all the changes and triggering a  reconfigure, the Interface should now have the instrumentation back and the status would be pop

Additional Information

This was seen for devices with sample certification in use: 

# Cisco 5760 Wireless Controller 
. {
     TYPE = WirelessController
     VENDOR = Cisco
     MODEL = AIR-CT5760-HA-K9
     CONT = Cisco-IOS-Switch
     WIFI = Cisco-Wireless
     NEIGHBOR = Cisco-Cdp
     HEALTH = Cisco-WLAN-4402
     BRIDGE = Cisco
     VLAN = Dot1q

    Environment                         = CiscoWLAN4402
    CPU/Memory                          = CiscoWLAN4402
    Interface-Fault                     = MIB2
    Interface-Performance               = CiscoRouter
    Interface-Ethernet-Performance      = CiscoRouter_Ethernet
    Port-Fault                          = MIB2
    Port-Performance                    = MIB2
    Port-Ethernet-Performance           = dot3_Ethernet
    WirelessAccessPoint-Fault           = Cisco_AireSpace_Wireless_MIB
    WirelessClient-Fault                = Cisco_Lwapp
    WirelessController-Performance      = Cisco_Airespace_Switching
    AuthenticationServer-Fault         = Cisco_Airespace_Wireless_MIB