The Card-Fault instrumentation used for certifying these devices is as follows:
Card-Fault = CiscoEntityFRU
interface Card_Fault_CiscoEntityFRU : Card_Fault_CiscoModule
abstract interface Card_Fault_CiscoModule : Card_Fault_SNMP
cefcModuleOperStatus = ""
However, when you check the walk file for the OID for the card using this instrumentation:
The OID is not present, so a CARD Down event NOT PRESENT is generated.
This occurs because the certification changed to use
CiscoEntityFRU instead of
OldCiscoChassis as follows:
interface Card_Fault_OldCiscoChassis : Card_Fault_SNMP
"Card_Fault_OldCiscoChasses is an instrumentation class for cards "
"within a Cisco router family. The card oper status is retrieved "
"using the cardOperStatus MIB variable from OLD Cisco Chassis MIB."
instrument SNMP {
cardOperStatus = ""