Notifications for Sub-interfaces Down (LogicalConnectionDown) are not seen
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Notifications for Sub-interfaces Down (LogicalConnectionDown) are not seen


Article ID: 331843


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance




  • LogicalConnectionDown on a Port that is Up/Up.
  • Notifications for Sub-interfaces Down (LogicalConnectionDown) are not seen in Smarts IP Availability Manager.
  • LogicalConnectionDown notifications for sub-interfaces are getting suppressed.


SMARTS - 10.1.x


TCSA -2.x


The LogicalConnectionDown notifications for sub-interfaces are getting suppressed because of the physical interface.

LogicalConnectionDown indicates a fault within the Wide Area Network such as a Frame Relay cloud. This event was introduced to aggregate multiple logical interfaces alarms. When this fault occurs, Smarts IP Availability Manager isolates the problem to the nearest physical interface using only symptoms from the logical layer. LogicalConnectionDown is only diagnosed when there are no failure symptoms at the physical layer and the network adapter is a physical interface with sub interfaces layered over it.


To see the notifications for sub-interfaces as well as the physical interfaces, do the following:
  1. In the on the Smarts server, set the SM_LOGICALCONNECTIONDOWN = DISABLED environment variable.
  2. Restart the Smarts IP APM domain. This will internally set attribute IsLogicalConnectionDownEnabled to FALSE on every interface of the domain.

Alternate workaround
Instead of the above, you can set the IsLogicalConnectionDownEnabled = FALSE  attribute for selected interfaces individually. This attribute is present in every interface.