Smarts IP: Aggregate Port does not show ComposedOf
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Smarts IP: Aggregate Port does not show ComposedOf


Article ID: 331832


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VMware Smart Assurance



The question was asked regarding why does Smarts IP not show the ComposedOf Properties for an Aggregate Port.

When we enabled the discovery debug on a Juniper Router, we can see that Smarts does find the underlying ports.

 In this case ports index 34 and 35 that share the same Interface Alias "taa-unman"

[September 6, 2016 2:49:23 PM EDT +054ms] t@1236441408 Discovery #3
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-mib2-hyper-data.asl: PROCESS_HYPER_DISCOVERY_ONE_LINE D3 34 me0.0 5C4527AB503F 1 0 0 1500 taa-unman 0

[September 6, 2016 2:49:23 PM EDT +054ms] t@1236441408 Discovery #3
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-mib2-hyper-data.asl: PROCESS_HYPER_DISCOVERY_ONE_LINE D3 35 vme 5C4527AB5002 1 1000000000 1000 1518 taa-unman 

Discovery #3
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/ic-interface-displayname.asl: ic-interface-displayname.asl: Final name: [ae0] [taa-unman] <=> [ae0]


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Representation of Etherchannel The discovered etherchannel connections are represented by the following classes:

  AggregatePort   This class represents the etherchannel adapter in IP Availability Manager. It is defined as the logical grouping of network adapters.

  AggregateLink   This class represents the logical links between AggregatePorts. During post processing, all the AggregatePorts instances are retrieved from the discovered topology. If the constituents ports of the AggregatePort are connected and the peer ports of those constituent ports are associated with AggregatePort, then AggregateLink is created between those two AggregatePort.

The EMC Smarts IP Manager Reference Guide and the EMC Smarts IP Manager Release Notes provide more information.

Identifying AggregationPorts through CLI

You can identify AggregatePorts and figure out ports that are part of an aggregation by running the CLI command:

show port-channel summary


The underlying ports for an Aggregate Port are not considered as separate instances.  The monitoring in Smarts is done on the Aggregate Port only and Smarts will show only the Aggregate Port in the topology.