Smarts IP: BridgeProbeEnabled attribute no longer listed in discovery.conf file; Is the BridgeProbeEnabled still used? How to load it?
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Smarts IP: BridgeProbeEnabled attribute no longer listed in discovery.conf file; Is the BridgeProbeEnabled still used? How to load it?


Article ID: 331830


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Is the BridgeProbeEnabled still used? If so, how to load it?

BridgeProbeEnabled attribute no longer listed in discovery.conf file.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Yes this setting is still relevant. It is not included in the discovery.conf file, but from the following command you can see that it is still used by the topology manager:
./dmctl -s INCHARGE-AM-PM get ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager | grep BridgeProbeEnabled
BridgeProbeEnabled = TRUE
The attribute is not included in the discovery.conf file any longer, however you can still add it to the discovery.conf file using sm_edit:
./sm_edit ../conf/discovery/discovery.conf
Add this attribute to any part of the file:
BridgeProbeEnabled = FALSE
Save and close the file.
Reload the discovery.conf file:
./sm_tpmgr -s INCHARGE-AM-PM --load-conf=discovery.conf
Once the file has reloaded, check the parameter value again:
./dmctl -s INCHARGE-AM-PM get ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager | grep BridgeProbeEnabled
BridgeProbeEnabled = FALSE