Smarts NPM: User seeing messages in log file every few minutes: custom-start-post.asl: Starting: Post-Processor-Custom-Start-Driver; Why is Smarts NPM initiating a discovery frequently?
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Smarts NPM: User seeing messages in log file every few minutes: custom-start-post.asl: Starting: Post-Processor-Custom-Start-Driver; Why is Smarts NPM initiating a discovery frequently?


Article ID: 331821


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VMware Smart Assurance



User seeing that their Smarts NPM (Network Protocol Manager) domain is initiating a discovery very frequently

User seeing following messages in my log file every few minutes.

ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/custom/custom-start-post.asl: Starting: Post-Processor-Custom-Start-Driver at February 15, 2015 5:22:20 AM GMT+00:00
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-discovery/custom/custom-start-post.asl: Finished: Post-Processor-Custom-Start-Driver (Running time: 0 seconds) at February 15, 2015 5:22:20 AM GMT+00:00


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Discovery will run automatically if auto discovery is turned on, but discovery should not be running very frequently.

One reason why you may see many discovery requests is because an undiscovered device is listed on the on the pending list.

To turn off pending list discovery, follow these steps:
  • Navigate to the <base dir>/smarts/bin folder, and execute this command inserting your domain name and broker port where required.
  • /dmctl s <OSPF domain name> -b <broker:port> put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::autoReprobe_pending FALSE


Discovery is triggered as follows:

Smarts NPM initiates a discovery cycle of the routing topology objects whenever:
  • IP Availability Manager is added as a source to Network Protocol Manager, as explained in Chapter 4,  Preparing and Initiating Discovery. 
  • IP Availability Manager completes a discovery cycle. By default, each time IP Availability Manager completes a discovery cycle, Network Protocol Manager performs a topology synchronization to import device topology information from IP Availability Manager. It then performs its own discovery by sending SNMP requests or CLI commands to the devices to discover or rediscover routing topology objects.
  • Network Protocol Manager is restarted or communication is lost and then reestablished between Network Protocol Manager and IP Availability Manager.
This was taken from the Discovery User guide.