Smarts SAM: how to troubleshoot Console startup issues.
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Smarts SAM: how to troubleshoot Console startup issues.


Article ID: 331812


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



This article contains ideas on how to troubleshooot the SMARTS Java Console User Interface issues.
We show you what Windows environment issues may cause the console not to run.
We show you how to set up a debug environment to debug the console.

Some environmental settings on a Windows host may cause the SMARTS console not to run.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Some environmental settings on a Windows host may prevent the console from running.


1: To enable debug logging, follow these steps:
  • On your windows machine, run the command line using the "Run a administrator"  option.
  • Navigate to the <installed base>/smarts/bin folder and run this command
  • sm_edit ..\conf\console\properties.conf
  • Append these comments to the file.

  • NOTE: Using sm_edit will ensure the new file gets saved in the proper  \local\conf\console folder.
The log will appear in the <base_dir>/smarts/local/logs folder as console.log.

2: To check that the java security settings are correct, follow these steps. 
  • Start theControl Panel -> Program->Java->Advanced.
  • Scroll down to check "Mixed code (sandboxed vs. trusted) security verification" is set as "Disable verification (not recommended)".
  • Note: Without this setting, the webconsole won't work properly and the cmd prompt won't be brought up after the client tool is launched.
3: To make sure the DNS is setup properly on the machine.  It is necessary to be able to resolve the host name  without the suffix.  So if your fully qualified domain name is, you need to able to ping just the hostname: free.
  •  You  can configure its DNS suffix list via Advanced TCP/IP Settings via Local Area Connection Properties of Local Area Connection Status.

Additional Information

Please note that debug can also be enabled from the sm_gui shortcut on Windows, however there is a limitation for the shortcut command of 256 characters.

KB 333388

An additional method that can be tried is through the Windows Java Control Panel 

See KB 323133