I need to notify the owner (a user or a mail distribution list) when an account is used (check-in, check-out).
I already use notifications of the idmmanage URL templates to send notifications to PIM admin but I need to notify each owner and not the PIM admin only.
Privileged Account Manager 12.8
You would have to edit the email templates (for instance: C:\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\deploy\IdentityMinder.ear\custom\emailTemplates\completed\CheckOutAccountPasswordEvent.tmpl) and replace the line:
_cc = "" ;
_cc = _eventContextInformation.getPrimaryObjectAttribute("OWNER_INFO", "") + "@youremail.domain";
Save the change, perform a check-out on any account, and the endpoint’s owner should receive the email notification.
Additional Information:
For further details about setting up email notifications please refer to PIM 12.8 Bookshelf, specifically on: Implementation Guide › Installing the Enterprise Management Server › How to Install the Enterprise Management Server Components › Advanced Configuration › Setting Up Email Notifications for Events