Smarts IP: Can I disable events in Smarts IP based on the memory type?
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Smarts IP: Can I disable events in Smarts IP based on the memory type?


Article ID: 331800


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VMware Smart Assurance



Can I disable events in Smarts IP based on the memory type?
Can I disable FLASH memory events in Smarts IP but keep RAM alarms?


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


As of the date this solution was approved (January 14 2010), it is not possible to disable Memory related events in Smarts IP based on the memory type. Memory-related events can be disabled if polling is disabled from the Polling and Threshold Tab in the "Performance Polling-Processor and Memory" section for the Device group in question. However, this will disable ALL memory related events.

Additional Information

If you require this functionality, submit a product Enhancement Request for Product Management to evaluate.