Smarts 9.4: Failover Not working on Windows 2012 Server. Error Found: 'Error during failover of server 'INCHARGE-SA': File edit failure (remote), rc: 1, error:
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Smarts 9.4: Failover Not working on Windows 2012 Server. Error Found: 'Error during failover of server 'INCHARGE-SA': File edit failure (remote), rc: 1, error:


Article ID: 331795


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts Suite 9.4 Failover is not working on Windows 2012. Failover was installed and configured correctly, however errors are seen in the start-up logs. 

Example Of Error from Logs:
[August 4, 2015 7:19:15 PM CDT +958ms] t@4728 Monitor-Driver
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-failover/failover-monitor.asl: Message: 'Error during failover of server 'INCHARGE-SA': File edit failure (remote), rc: 1, error: Failed to open D:/InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/ics/failover-active--INCHARGE-SA.xml to enable auto topology sync

CI-IPCONN- m-E-zWSAETIMEDOUT-Connection timed out
CI-CONNFAIL-Unable to connect to host INCHARGE-SA, port 30021.

[August 4, 2015 7:45:19 PM CDT +026ms] t@264 PollingQueue #2

failover_actions: 04-Aug-2015 19:19:14 Central Daylight Time; File edit failure (remote), rc: 1, error: Failed to open D:/InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/ics/failover-active--INCHARGE-SA.xml to enable auto topology sync

Example of Failover Status via brcontrol:



VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


Root Cause: Windows Security event logs shows sm_server is blocked through windows filtering platform


To resolve this issue, please allow sm_server.exe from within the  Programs & Services  tab in windows firewall for all smarts modules. Additionally, allow bi-directionally (IN&OUT) sm_server on windows firewall.
SAM: - D:\InCharge\SAM\smarts\bin\system\sm_server.exe
IPAM: - D:\InCharge\IP\smarts\bin\system\sm_server.exe
VOIP: - D:\InCharge\VoIP\smarts\bin\system\sm_server.exe

Note: For the Smarts directories, it will depend on where you installed each of the services. The ones listed above are provided for example. The sm_server.exe icon will be in the smarts/bin/system directory for each Smarts Service that is installed in your environment. Once you find the sm_server.exe you will want to right-click on the exe in order to bring up the Programs and Services tab.

After making these changes to the security policies on the Windows host, Failover will function as designed.

Additional Information

Note: Attached to this KB is the Smarts 9.4 Security Configuration Guide. Page 46 in the Configuration Guide lists the ports and protocols that are used by EMC Smarts Components.