Example Of Error from Logs:
[August 4, 2015 7:19:15 PM CDT +958ms] t@4728 Monitor-Driver
ASL_MSG-*-ASLP-failover/failover-monitor.asl: Message: 'Error during failover of server 'INCHARGE-SA': File edit failure (remote), rc: 1, error: Failed to open D:/InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/ics/failover-active--INCHARGE-SA.xml to enable auto topology sync
CI-IPCONN- m-E-zWSAETIMEDOUT-Connection timed out
CI-CONNFAIL-Unable to connect to host INCHARGE-SA, port 30021.
[August 4, 2015 7:45:19 PM CDT +026ms] t@264 PollingQueue #2
failover_actions: 04-Aug-2015 19:19:14 Central Daylight Time; File edit failure (remote), rc: 1, error: Failed to open D:/InCharge/SAM/smarts/local/conf/ics/failover-active--INCHARGE-SA.xml to enable auto topology sync
Example of Failover Status via brcontrol: