Smart Assurance Network Protocol Manager: Receiving false BGP Alerts caused by SNMP errors; How can we disable these alerts?
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Smart Assurance Network Protocol Manager: Receiving false BGP Alerts caused by SNMP errors; How can we disable these alerts?


Article ID: 331788


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VMware Smart Assurance



This article explains how to disable false BGP alerts that are caused by SNMP errors which are received in Smart Assurance Network Protocol Manager.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To disable the BGP Alerts function in Smart Assurance Network Protocol Manager, do the following:
  1. Open the bgp.conf file in the Smarts NPM installation using sm_edit.
  2. Set the DisableBGPAlertsOnSNMPError parameter value to true. Setting this flag to 'true' will suppress alerts in BGP caused by SNMP errors.
  3. Save and close the bgp.conf file.
  4. Restart the BGP service.