Smarts IP 9.3 and later: What is the Smarts IP Configuration Manager? How to apply polling and threshold settings to target domains using a Configuration Manager import file in Smarts IP 9.3 and later.
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Smarts IP 9.3 and later: What is the Smarts IP Configuration Manager? How to apply polling and threshold settings to target domains using a Configuration Manager import file in Smarts IP 9.3 and later.


Article ID: 331780


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VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


This article explains how to use the Smarts IP Configuration Manager feature (available in Smarts IP Manager 9.3 and later) to apply a consistent set of polling and threshold settings to all target domains in the Smarts IP environment.


Configuration Manager is a feature available in Smarts IP Manager 9.3 and later versions that provides a method for applying a consistent set of Smarts IP polling and threshold settings to a set of target domains in the user interface using the Configuration Manager import file. The following sections show how to modify the import file for your Smarts IP polling and threshold setting requirements, and how to use the import file to add an additional group of settings to the Configuration Manager.

Modifying the polling and threshold settings in Configuration Manager import files
In the Configuration Manager import file, each Smarts IP Polling & Threshold group of settings starts with the keyword "config". Each group of configuration settings is separated from the next group by a blank line. The unedited  config  line contains only  config [group name]  as in the following example:

config Proxy Devices

To apply a group of Smarts IP polling and threshold settings to a group of target domains, edit the  config  line to list the domain names. To do this, you must add a colon ( : ) after the group name of the settings, and use a pipe character ( | ) as the domain name separator, as shown in the following:

config Proxy Devices: ampm|ampm2|ampm3

You can also apply the group of configuration settings to only a single domain as in the following:

config Proxy Devices: ampm

Note the following about the config line example:
  • The regular expression *ampm* could be used to apply the setting across all 3 "ampm" domains shown in the above example.
  • "Proxy Devices" is the config group name in the above example. If nothing is specified after the config group name, "apply to all" ( * ) is assumed as the default, and the settings in the import file would be applied to all the domains in the Smarts IP interface.

Import File Example

config Proxy Devices: ampm|ampm2|ampm3

match IsProxy TRUE

priority 10300

param IsReadOnly FALSE

param Description

setting Connectivity_ExternalPolling_Setting

param InstrumentBlades FALSE

param InstrumentIPs TRUE

param InstrumentCards FALSE

param InstrumentFibreChannelPort FALSE

param InstrumentNetworkAdapters TRUE

param DisplayName Connectivity Polling - External Poller

param InstrumentComputeFabricManager FALSE

param AnalysisMode ENABLED

param InstrumentSNMPAgents TRUE

param InstrumentEVCEndPoints FALSE

param InitialStatus UNKNOWN

param Description

Adding additional group of settings to the Configuration Manager using import file
An efficient method for adding settings to the Configuration Manager is to first import all common Polling and Threshold settings, and then add other domain specific groups. This can be done as follows:

  1. To begin creating the import file, generate a common group of settings by selecting the domain with the most common set of Polling and Threshold settings, and export them from that domain using the following command:

./sm_perl -s ampm1 -export=cm-export

  1. The preceding command will write the Configuration Manager export file (cm-export) to the local logs directory (BASEDIR/IP/smarts/local/logs).
  2. Edit the cm-export file for the domain specific settings of your target domains, including all settings that are unique for the target domains that should be added to Configuration Manager.
  3. Import settings from the cm-export file to the INCHARGE-CM file. Settings defined in the INCHARGE-CM file will be applied to all target domains and are added to the Configuration Manager. To import the settings, use the following command:

./sm_perl -s INCHARGE-CM --import cm-export

Command usage notes

  • If you are adding a certain settings for a domain that is not yet managed by Configuration Manager, that domain will be added as a target.
  • The settings added using the import file are not pushed by default to the target domains. This is done as a precaution, and you can push the settings after you have verified them.
  • If you would like to skip the verification step you can use -force option. This helps in applying in the settings to target domains without any verification.
  • You can manually verify your settings by attaching Domain Manager Admin Console to the Configuration Manager. Browse to the settings and verify that settings are added to the correct target domains.

Additional Information

See related EMC article 176219 ( for details on how to create custom polling and threshold groups in the Configuration Manager interface:

Smarts IP Manager 9.2.1/9.2.2: How to create custom Polling and Threshold groups in Configuration Manager, and have them successfully propagate to a receiving Smarts IP Manager domain