Smarts IP: Why does my VLAN have a hexidecimal? Can I remove the Hexidecimal before the VLAN number? Why is my VLAN not creating correctly?
Article ID: 331765
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VMware Smart Assurance
In Smarts IP VLAN has a name of XX-XX-XX-XX-0902 where 0902 is the name of the VLAN. In some cases the hexicdecimal can split a VLAN into two(i.e. XX-XX-XX-AA-0902 and XX-XX-XX-BB-0902) instead of only one as expected.
In the discovery.conf file STPVLANNamingEnabled is set to FALSE.
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
for a fix you can test by running this dmctl command:
dmctl put ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager::STPVLANNamingEnabled FALSE
Making the change via dmctl will only be temporary until the next server reboot.
For a permanent fix do the following:
From the /bin folder
1. sm_edit ..conf/discovery/discovery.conf 2. find - STPVLANNamingEnabled = TRUE and change to FALSE 3. save and restart the server.