Smarts IP: Memory and processor components are not discovered for a device, even though the device is certified
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Smarts IP: Memory and processor components are not discovered for a device, even though the device is certified


Article ID: 331763


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Device certified in Smarts IP is not fully discovered in the Smarts IP topology

Device is not showing any memory and processor components in Smarts IP topology even though the device is certified in Smarts IP


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


The above issue can occur for the following reasons:
  • You do not have the EMC Smarts Host Resources Discovery included in your license.
  • The host resource might be disabled in the Smarts IP discovery.conf file.


To address this issue, do the following:
  1. Run the following command from the Smarts IP installation directory:
<SMARTS_IP>/bin/dmctl -s <DOMAIN> getInstances InCharge_Feature
  1. Check if you have the following feature listed:
  1. Open the Smarts IP discovery.conf configuration file for editing in sm_edit as follows:
sm_edit ../conf/discovery/discovery.conf
  1. Ensure that HostResourcesEnabled is set to TRUE in the discovery.conf configuration file as follows:
# HostResourcesEnabled
# Enables or disables host resources discovery and monitoring:
#  Default Value = TRUE
HostResourcesEnabled = TRUE
  1. Save and close the discovery.conf configuration file.