Smarts IP: How to check if a device is certified for a certain device OS version? Do devices need to be certified for certain OS versions?
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Smarts IP: How to check if a device is certified for a certain device OS version? Do devices need to be certified for certain OS versions?


Article ID: 331732


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


As per the EMC certification matrix for IP 9.4

ASA5550 (OID - . / .

is certified on version Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Version 8.0(3). 

Does the same certification also work for OS version - Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 9.1(5).

Additional Information

Usually the certification is not based on the Devices OS version, rather its based on the sysOID.
The OS version that is represented as part of the certification matrix is just to let you know that it was referenced in the snap file during the certification.

There will not be much difference in the component discovery and monitoring between the device OS versions.

If there exists such differences and Smarts should know about it, then raise a re-certification at ( and request exactly what is needed.

If there are no such differences, then the change in OS will really not matter for SMARTS to discover and monitor.