Article ID: 331731
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How to manually roll over the Syslog Adapter's log file.
VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
The Syslog Adapter's log file can be manually rolled over with the following.
The roll_log command method
The roll_log command is invoked through the dmctl utility, which requires that you attach to a Manager or adapter with administrative privileges.
The syntax of the command is: ./dmctl -s <Adapter / or Domain Name> exec roll_log [file-name]
If you omit this option, the current naming convention is retained. If you specify a name, the new log file uses that name. Any new log files created with roll_log will also use this name if a different name is not specified. The new name specified by is handled in exactly the same manner as the --output option of the sm_server command.
For example, on Windows to start a new log file for a Manager named MYDM,
Using the command line invoked with run as administrator from the BASEDIR/smarts\bin\ dmctl -s MYDM exec roll_log
On Linux systems, the equivalent command is: BASEDIR/smarts/bin/dmctl -s MYDM exec roll_log
Environment variable SM_LOG_ROLL_SIZE
When a log file becomes quite large, the domain manager or adapter creates a new log file, which is referred to as rolling over a log file. SM_LOG_ROLL_SIZE=200M is now included in the file. The VMWare Smart Assurance System Administration Guide provides more information.