Smarts SAM: How to run sm_monitor for a trap adapter and against a sm_trapd process; How to collect the trap rate, size of the trap adapter queue, and other data specifically for adapter threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable.
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Smarts SAM: How to run sm_monitor for a trap adapter and against a sm_trapd process; How to collect the trap rate, size of the trap adapter queue, and other data specifically for adapter threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable.


Article ID: 331713


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



This article explains the following:
  • How to setup the sm_monitor command to collect data on Smarts SAM trap adapters. 
  • How to run Smarts sm_monitor against an sm_trap process
  • Commands to collect the Smarts SAM adapter trap rate and size of the trap adapter queue.
  • Individual commands to collect information regarding threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable information

Need to collect data on trap adapters for troubleshooting Smarts SAM trap adapter and trap services issues


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


To collect sm_monitor data on the trap adapter you can use the following command:

<BaseDir>/SAM/Smarts/bin/sm_monitor -b localhost:426 -s <TRAP-ADAPTER Domain Name> -S trapd -z -k -m mem -l 3 run-all
  • The -S trapd command argument specifies that you are running a trap adapter. 
  • The -l 3 (lowercase "L" 3) command argument tells the command to loop 3 times.
  • When using this command, it is recommended to set up a cron job or scheduled task to run the sm_monitor command every 15 minutes
Furthermore, you can also run the latest sm_monitor against the sm_trapd process as follows:
./sm_monitor -s <trap-adapter> -S trapd

To collect the Smarts SAM adapter trap rate and size of the trap adapter queue, run the following command from the <BaseDir>/SAM/Smarts/bin directory:

dmctl -s <TRAP-ADAPTER DOMAIN NAME> get SNMP_TrapManager::SNMP-Trap-Manager

To collect information specifically regarding trap adapter threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable information, use the following commands:
./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --threads --output=threads.txt

./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --queues --output=queues.txt

./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --stacktrace --output=stacktrace.txt

./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --locktable --output=locktable.txt