Running sm_monitor for a trap adapter and against a sm_trapd process; Collecting the trap rate, size of the trap adapter queue, and other data specifically for adapter threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable.
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Running sm_monitor for a trap adapter and against a sm_trapd process; Collecting the trap rate, size of the trap adapter queue, and other data specifically for adapter threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable.


Article ID: 331713


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance VMware Telco Cloud Service Assurance


This article explains the following:

  • Setting up the sm_monitor command to collect data on Smarts SAM trap adapters. 
  • Steps for running Smarts sm_monitor against an sm_trap process
  • Commands to collect the Smarts SAM adapter trap rate and size of the trap adapter queue.
  • Individual commands to collect information regarding threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable information

For the purpose of: collecting data on trap adapters for troubleshooting Smarts SAM trap adapter and trap services issues


Smarts 10.x / 2.x


To collect sm_monitor data on the trap adapter you can use the following command:

<BaseDir>/SAM/Smarts/bin/sm_monitor -b localhost:426 -s <TRAP-ADAPTER Domain Name> -S trapd -z -k -m mem -l 3 run-all


  • The -S trapd command argument specifies that you are running a trap adapter. 
  • The -l 3 (lowercase "L" 3) command argument tells the command to loop 3 times.
  • When using this command, it is recommended to set up a cron job or scheduled task to run the sm_monitor command every 15 minutes

Furthermore, you can also run the latest sm_monitor against the sm_trapd process as follows:

./sm_monitor -s <trap-adapter> -S trapd

From this directory:


You'll want to collect the Smarts SAM adapter trap rate and size of the trap adapter queue by running the following command:

dmctl -s <TRAP-ADAPTER DOMAIN NAME> get SNMP_TrapManager::SNMP-Trap-Manager

To collect information specifically regarding trap adapter threads, queues, stacktrace, and locktable information, use the following commands:

./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --threads --output=threads.txt

./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --queues --output=queues.txt

./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --stacktrace --output=stacktrace.txt

./dmctl - s <trapd_domain-name> exec dmdebug --locktable --output=locktable.txt