Article ID: 331694
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VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS
To provide an overview of what DefaultMaximumNetworkSizeForCorrelation is.
The attribute DefaultMaximumNetworkSizeForCorrelation, which is set to 10, indicates that SMARTS would consider taking the MightBeDown symptom from an IPNetwork would be only for 10 systems.
So, that number 10 itself is an optimized value that was determined for any network size. Only for a very small network size the value could be lowered. Assuming that if a router is there, which is connected to 20 IPNetwork, then by the definition of above parameter, it considers only 10 relay devices "MightBeDown" status for correlation. This number 10 is enough for our SMARTS correlator to sample for deducing a device DOWN.
If we try to increase this number, the threshold for the number of devices that would be looked upon for the MightBeDown symptom would be increased. This would cause overhead for the correlator itself. Hence the default to 10, and increasing this number would not help optimizing the correlation (instead it would increase the load on it).
These settings/values can be found in the domain manager administration console, on the Correlation tab.