Smarts SAM Adapter: Ops Manager Adapter registers to broker with wrong IP Address
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Smarts SAM Adapter: Ops Manager Adapter registers to broker with wrong IP Address


Article ID: 331691


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VMware Smart Assurance



Ops Mgr adapter has multiple ip addresses. One address is reachable by the adapter (Production IP) and the other is not (Backup IP). The adapter seems to be trying to bind with the none-reachable Backup IP and is failing to register with the broker.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


SM_REGISTER_ADDR has a bug in place, the address specified in this variable is not used to register with the broker.
There are two classes SM_SocketAdapter and HttpServer:
  • The SocketAdapter is the class which would initiate the broker registration
  • The HttpServer is the class which would open a socket binding;
SM_REGISTER_ADDR variable is read by SocketAdapter but this is overridden with the value obtained from HttpServer instance - the address obtained from HttpServer instance uses getHostAddress which can be arbitary when multiple interfaces are present on the system.


Until a fix is in place, EMC Engineering recommends using brcontrol add_dm to register the opsmanager with the appropriate address and port to the broker.