Smarts: IP : licensing errors and what they mean
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Smarts: IP : licensing errors and what they mean


Article ID: 331667


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VMware Smart Assurance



I am seeing these license errors in my events, and logs.  What do they mean?

We see there are 3 events OutOfWapLicense, OutOfLicense and LicenseExpirationWarning.

<Domain name>.log.2016-08-30-230003-5.gz:RSVI_MSG-*-SUB_CHG-Subscription change: subscribeAll client: SM_SocketObserver-1 40192 <Domain name> ASL (restartable) choice: ICF_TopologyManager::.*::OutOfWapLicense::[SIMPLE-EVENT,IMPORTED-EVENT,EXPAND-SUBCLASSES,EXPAND-SUBCLASSES-EVENTS,STICKY,QUIET-ACCEPT,QUIET-SUSPEND]
<Domain name>.log.2016-08-30-230003-5.gz:RSVI_MSG-*-SUB_CHG-Subscription change: subscribeAll client: SM_SocketObserver-1 40192 <Domain name> ASL (restartable) choice: ICF_TopologyManager::.*::OutOfLicense::[SIMPLE-EVENT,IMPORTED-EVENT,EXPAND-SUBCLASSES,EXPAND-SUBCLASSES-EVENTS,STICKY,QUIET-ACCEPT,QUIET-SUSPEND]
<Domain name>.log.2016-08-30-230003-5.gz:RSVI_MSG-*-SUB_CHG-Subscription change: subscribeAll client: SM_SocketObserver-1 40192 <Domain name> ASL (restartable) choice: License_Alerter::.*::LicenseExpirationWarning::[SIMPLE-EVENT,IMPORTED-EVENT,EXPAND-SUBCLASSES,EXPAND-SUBCLASSES-EVENTS,STICKY,QUIET-ACCEPT,QUIET-SUSPEND]


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


These events are normal, but transitional events for Smarts Domains. They should not persist after the license has been updated.


In the above excerpts,  there are 3 events in total.
  • OutOfWapLicense
  • OutOfLicense
  • LicenseExpirationWarning.

A Description of these events is below :

1. event OutOfWapLicense
"Indicates whether WirelessAccessPoint count license is sufficient for discovery."
= WirelessAccessPointLicenseExceeded && 
(TotalWirelessAccessPoints >= TotalWirelessAccessPointsLicenseCheckedOut);

2. event OutOfLicense
"Indicates whether system or network adapter volume license is sufficient for discovery."
= VolumeLicenseExceeded && 
(TotalSystems >= TotalSystemLicenseCheckedOut);
Generates OutOfLicense event if volume license for system or network adapter is insufficient.

3. LicenseExpirationWarning Indicates that the system license expiration has reached the remaining days threshold limit. This is defined as
(Number of license remaining days <= License expiration warning threshold).
This event will be generated if the remaining days is less than the LicenseExpirationWarningThreshold value.

This event will be cleared if:
 The license expires
 A permanent license is obtained
 The new trial license is valid for over 30 days