Discovery of device is failing with the following errors:
SWFE-E-EGETNEXT-While getting next of OID .,
SNMP-ERESPONSE-No response from <IP address>, port 161
SNMP-ETIMEOUT-Timed out; in file "/work/tancurrent/DMT-" at line 1337
Smarts IP is working as designed. Smarts IP combines these two strings to discover the private IP addresses on a device:
And then polling these OID values:
ifIPAddressOID {"."}
IfNetmaskOID {"."}
If the polling of the context based information requires a different community string than the one generated from the combination of base community and context name, the polling will fail.
Removing the snmpCommunityContextName from the device in question should allow discovery to complete successfully. The procedure is vendor specific, but should be possible using the GUI or CLI, whichever is used to configure the device.