SMARTS IP: Checkoint firewall interface discovery issue; ASNM-E-ASNMP_SEND_RECEIVE_ERROR-ASNMP request failure: Error when sending or receiving SNMP data for Host
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SMARTS IP: Checkoint firewall interface discovery issue; ASNM-E-ASNMP_SEND_RECEIVE_ERROR-ASNMP request failure: Error when sending or receiving SNMP data for Host


Article ID: 331641


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



There are at total of 30 interfaces on a Check point Firewall that need to be discovered and monitored, but after upgrading to Smarts IP 9.2.2, only 6 of the 30 interfaces are discovered.


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


SNMPV3 Discovery finishes but with an ASNMP error-

ASNM-E-ASNMP_SEND_RECEIVE_ERROR-ASNMP request failure: Error when sending or receiving SNMP data for Host ''
SNMP-ERESPONSE-No response from, port 161

This error was not seen when using SNMPv2, but the Checkpoint firewall requires SNMPv3 to be fully discovered and there for only 6 interfaces were still being discovered.

There is a timeout caused by the Checkpoint Firewall agent being slow.


If you encounter this in your environment, you can work around the issue by editng the tpmgr_param.conf file by running the sm_edit command:

<BASEDIR>/IP/smarts/bin/sm_edit conf/discovery/tpmgr-param.conf

And making the following value change:

maxOIDsPerPacketForASNMP  1

and save and restart the domain to take affect.

Alternatively, you can use the following dmctl command to make the change instant without saving so that you can test.

dmctl -s <IP DOMAIN> invoke ICF_TopologyManager::ICF-TopologyManager insertParameter maxOIDsPerPacketForASNMP 1