Cannot set
UseDNSLookupInThisDomain=TRUE in the active Smarts SAM environment
UseDNSLookupInThisDomain=TRUE in the
ICS_OperationalOptions.import file (/local/conf/ics/ICS_OperationalOptions.import) does not appear to work. When setting the variable UseDNSLookupInThisDomain = TRUE in the ../local/conf/ics/ICS_OperationalOptions.import, the following is observed:
UseDNSLookupInThisDomain = TRUE
SAM Domain restarted.
Howvever, dmctl command output still shows this var as being set to FALSE as shown in the following:
./dmctl -s UATCDL_SAM9990 get ICS_OperationalOptions::ICS-OperationalOptions
Properties of ICS_OperationalOptions::ICS-OperationalOptions:
CreationClassName = ICS_OperationalOptions
DNSDomainNames =
Description =
DisableUnderlyingDomainsQuery = FALSE
DisplayName =
FullyQualifiedDomainNameSuffixes =
Name = ICS-OperationalOptions
ServiceName =
UnderlyingDomainsOrder =
UseDNSDomainsInDNSLookup = FALSE
UseDNSLookupInThisDomain = FALSE
UseDNSLookupInUnderlyingDomains = FALSE