Smarts IP: Why are we getting Powersupply alerts for Cisco Wireless that does not have a powesupply
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Smarts IP: Why are we getting Powersupply alerts for Cisco Wireless that does not have a powesupply


Article ID: 331626


Updated On:


VMware Smart Assurance



Smarts generates Power Supply Alert for a Cisco 6509 Wireless device, however, that device does not have a power supply!


VMware Smart Assurance - SMARTS


For better Monitoring & Reporting of network device's availability and performance, EMC puts supported products through a certification process where our Certification team qualifies devices that will be discovered and monitored by Smarts.

As such, Cisco 6509 Wireless Controller is officially certified and the following certificate is used:
# Cisco 6509 WISM Controller
. {
    TYPE = WirelessController
    VENDOR = Cisco
    MODEL = Cisco-WISM-Controller
    CONT = Cisco-Entity-Switch
    WIFI = Cisco-Wireless
    VLAN = Dot1q
    NEIGHBOR = Cisco-Cdp
    HEALTH = Cisco-WLAN-4402
    Environment                         = CiscoWLAN4402
    CPU/Memory                          = CiscoWLAN4402
    Interface-Fault                     = MIB2
    Interface-Performance               = MIB2
    Port-Fault                          = MIB2
    Port-Performance                    = MIB2
    Port-Ethernet-Performance           = dot3_Ethernet
    WirelessAccessPoint-Fault                                   = Cisco_AireSpace_Wireless_MIB
    WirelessClient-Fault                                                = Cisco_Lwapp
    WirelessController-Performance              = Cisco_Airespace_Switching
    AuthenticationServer-Fault          =        Cisco_Airespace_Wireless_MIB
NOTE: HEALTH parameter is referring to Smarts driver that is responsible for devices
environment and performance information. It is also important to know not all devices
use the same driver.

This device is using CiscoWLAN4402 drivers and the breakdown of that driver is as follows (<INCHARGE>IP/smarts/conf/discovery/DISCOVERY_CISCO.import):
GA_Driver::Performance-Cisco-WLAN-4402-Driver {
    ReadsRulesFrom = GA_RuleSet::Performance-Cisco-WLAN-4402-RS {
        fileName = "discovery/ic-cisco-wlan-4402-health.asl"
    ReadsInputFrom = SNMP_WalkFE::Performance-Cisco-WLAN-4402-FE {
        rootOIDs = {
              # agentCurrentCPUUtilization
              {10, "."},
              # agentTotalMemory
              {20, "."},
              # bsnSensorTemperature
              {30, "."},
              # agentSwitchInfoPowerSupply1Present
              {40, "."},
              # agentSwitchInfoPowerSupply2Present
              {50, "."}
    waitForCompletion = TRUE

NOTE: A device may contain different component (e.g. memory/power supply/cpu)
and different component may have different Object ID that is used to collect availability
and performance report and generate alerts based on threshold settings. In this case,
OID  . is used for this device's power supply:

And we poll :
              # agentSwitchInfoPowerSupply1Present
              {40, "."},

NOTE: A WALK of a device is the act of probing a device by asking the
device agent for every value it can supply you. Given this output you can
then know exactly what is being reported where and where and how you w
ant to tackle it in the code

A search of the WALKs for the power supply OID will show:
Device.walk (1 hit)
                Line 4928: .|1|
Device.mimic (1 hit)
                Line 6415:  . 1
Device.snap (1 hit)
                Line 6397: . INTEGER-32 1

Reviewing the results, we see that OID "." has a value assigned to it and that value is "1". Cross-referencing the value with Cisco s SNMP Object Navigator we see the following:
Specific Object Information 
Values0 : false
1 : true
MIBAIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB ;   -   View Supporting Images
Description"This is to indicate if the switch has Power
Supply 1 present on it. This is applicable to
the 4200 series and will always return true for
the earlier device versions."
  As indicated by Cisco, Value of 1 = TRUE which means Power Supply is present for that
device, but that device does not have a Power Supply


To reiterate, a search of the WALKs for the power supply OID will show:

Device.walk (1 hit)
                Line 4928: .|1|
Device.mimic (1 hit)
                Line 6415:  . 1
Device.snap (1 hit)
                Line 6397: . INTEGER-32 1

Reviewing the results, we see that OID "." has a value assigned to it and that value is "1". Cross-referencing the value with Cisco s SNMP Object Navigator we can see:
Specific Object Information 
Values0 : false
1 : true
MIBAIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB ;   -   View Supporting Images
Description"This is to indicate if the switch has Power
Supply 1 present on it. This is applicable to
the 4200 series and will always return true for
the earlier device versions."
As indicated by Cisco, Value of 1 = TRUE which means Power Supply is present for that device, but that device does not have a Power Supply.

This may be an issue with the SNMP agent, we recommend to verify that device's SNMP agent is functioning as it should. You may need to contact the SNMP Agent provider.